Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ehhhh it's been a while

I have been neglecting my blog....

Here is a list of new things since I last posted:
1.) Quit boring job at City of Minneapolis
2.) Started working at Salut on Grand Ave.
3.) Started internship with Council on Crime and Justice
4.) Started work on my Master's thesis
5.) Got crane tattoo
6.) Lost my lovely and amazing cousin Nora, still dealing with the pain.
7.) Signed a lease with boyfriend Paul, very excited!

So, my life has been up and down, down and everyone's is I'm sure. But I'm glad to be here, I feel incredibly lucky to have such amazing friends and family, and I will continue to try and live life with no regrets.

I'll try to keep up on this blog thing too....

Friday, March 20, 2009

Day Job

I think I have officially decided that the rigid 8-4:30, 9-5 (what-have-you) schedule is just not for me. Don't get me wrong, I love working hard, which is precicely why I cannot stand sitting at a job just to sit there because you're expected to be there for a certain amount of time. I am truly Bored of being Bored!

I think it's interesting to think about how society, or maybe it's just me, leads a person to believe that the ultimate career goal should be a steady 9-5 day job with a good paycheck. I do not agree, I agree with working hard to be able to support myself financially, but, steady 9-5...not for me, until it is truly work I am proud of and love to do every day. You may say I'm a dreamer, but, I'm not the only one.........

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Lovely Day

Monday, March 9, 2009


Well, I put in my two week notice today at the City of Minneapolis. I will be embarking on a very exciting internship opportunity with the St. Paul/Ramsey County Department of Health, and working part time.

In the span of my "career" I have worked in law enforcement, social services and now business information step community health promotion! This makes me think of the statistic I heard about people in my generation, that we will change careers an average of 4 times in our lifetime. Well, this makes 4, I guess this is where I'll settle in....

This is where my life takes on a new path, and I am so excited to see where it takes me. I refuse to be discouraged by the economy and I only see good things ahead for myself.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

"The more we train to see ourselves as such a meditational deity, the less bound we will feel by life's ordinary disappointments and frustrations. This divine self-visualisation empowers us to take control of our life and create for ourselves a pure environment in which our deepest nature can be expressed." -Lama Yesheit's

I have begun to explore the interesting world of Buddhism. My main goal for this exploration is to not let it be just another passing fad or phase in my life. I find the ideals of Buddhism very calming and affective on my life, and, so many times before I have found something that helps me and then given it up in the hectic nature of my world. I don't try to give things up, they just fizzle out because so many other things override them.

To me, that's the beauty of Buddhism ideals, I read a quote in a book I'm reading I don't remember it exactly but it was something to the nature of..."To me, there is no more important being on this earth than myself." I thought about this a lot, because I have lead my life in an in between place for a long time. Trying to be totally selfless, and give for other people with the hopes of getting back. At the same time, doing things primarily that make me happy too. I have had this profound guilt about everything in my life and I think it's because I haven't adopted this notion. This notion that, there should be no one more important to me, than me.

Another notion of Buddhism though is that if you are always kind to yourself and in tune with your own thoughts and needs, this will project on those around you. A kind of inner peace that enlightens all those around you and who you love. How better can you give back to those you love, than by being free and happy enough within yourself to be the best and give the most to others. I feel that if someone tries too hard to please everyone around them, and themself, the conflict that is created makes mush out of the person. That person is useless to them self and those around them.

So, this is my official, documented statement that I will not let these ideas fall by the wayside, and I will continue to know that to me, there is no one more important, than me.

: ) Peace : )

Monday, December 29, 2008

Oh the wonder

I hate saying, we'll see, and I don't know if anyone agrees with me...but being in your middle to late twenties brings that phrase a whole lot.

We'll see what happens when I'm done with school.
We'll see what happens in my love life.
We'll see where I live next.
We'll see. We'll see. We'll see.

Maybe it never ends though....

gahl, maybe I should just start focusing on what's going on right now, then I don't have to say We'll see, I can just say...I see...I see I am watching re-runs of project runway that I've seen 10 times, but there's nothing else on, and chatting on gmail with old work friends, and doing laundry, and getting sleepy.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A statement to ponder

"Those polls have consistently shown me much further behind than we actually are. It all depends on the voter turnout ... we're doing fine. We have closed in the last week." he [McCain] said.

The reason I put this up as a statement to ponder is because if you read into what he is actually saying it is kind of suspicious. If it all truly depends on voter turn out, then, what happens if a lot of people fulfill their patriotic duty? Obama wins or you win? What exactly is McCain trying to say here. If less people come out to vote, he will win? Or vica verca?

I have become increasingly frustrated by the overarching message from the McCain campaign. That we can't trust Obama. Accusations fly about Obama's ties to terrorism and corruption, all being immediately, factually refuted. The accusations are dangerous, and are creating fear amongst people who could, in all reality, probably benefit more from Obama's objectives than from McCains in the long run.

In addition, the accusations created by the McCain campaign are now running wild and getting into the heads of people in a way that literally puts Obama's life in jeopardy. Although now the McCain campaign tries, a little too quietly in my mind, to put a stop to the outlandish claims people are now making...the kindling is doing exactly what it was put there to do, start the fire.

Accusations made by Obama toward the McCain campaign have not been so factually refuted, in fact the campaign has skirted around one major issue.

-McCain said there were times he has broken with the Bush administration, but added: "So do we share a common philosophy of the Republican Party? Of course."

For the entirety of his campaign McCain has been promising himself as a maverick, not to be compared to the Bush administration. But, behind the scenes he is using donations from the Bush administration for his campaign and taking advice and direction from members of the Bush administration in his campaign. In addition, now in the last week of the campaign he is leaning closer to admitting his agreement with the philosophies of the Bush administration.

Obama has never once faltered from his beliefs or his message, that he proposes a change from the current direction of our government and the philosophies that are driving all Americans farther and farther away from a common goal. I have such a hard time understanding why people can find any reason to fear Barack Obama. I have dug and dug and tried to find any thing pointing towards uncertainty or unpredictability or danger that lurks in the depths of Obama's character and found nothing. Nothing but ridiculous claims with no factual basis.

I get sad thinking about the state of our society currently, so split, so divided. And, it's even being seen within the Republican party now. There are talks of a "civil war" amongst conservatives.

-"A civil war that is simmering will break out into the open if McCain loses, and the party will have to decide what they want to be in the post-Reagan world," said Gloria Borger, a senior political analyst for CNN.

"It's an argument that has been echoed by a string of conservatives -- including David Brooks, George Will, Kathleen Parker, and David Frum -- who believe Palin exhibits a poisonous anti-intellectual instinct of the party that threatens to ultimately destroy its foundations."

"Reagan had an immense faith in the power of ideas. But there has been a counter, more populist tradition, which is not only to scorn liberal ideas but to scorn ideas entirely. And I'm afraid that Sarah Palin has those prejudices," said Brooks, a conservative columnist for the New York Times

Personally I think what our country needs right now is a chance to take a step back and start looking at the real problems we face together as a society. A chance to wipe our heads clear of the right/left battle, and look at where we can move forward toward the common good.

I am not against Republicans, I am just against an individualized society, and unfortunately there are individuals in the party who have supported causes that completely under minded the common good and the middle class and the under served communities.

So, if in fact McCain's statement is correct and, it all depends on voter turn out, then I would hope that the voters come out in hoards and make a statement loud enough for everyone to notice that, it is time for a real, fundamental, change in our society.